5th May, 2020
Chief Medical Officer Professor Brendan Murphy said employers will need to enforce social distancing and hygiene procedures within the workplace for as long as the COVID-19 pandemic remains a threat.
“Our strategy at the moment is to keep Australians safe over the next two to three to four months whilst safely relaxing restrictions so that we can get on with economic activity and our lives in a COVID safe way,” he said.”
“We will continually need to re-evaluate our strategy.
We are well into our second month of Covid-19 lockdowns and in these extraordinary times, Team Transport is constantly reviewing the fast-moving situation from our government and regulators to support the national effort to tackle COVID-19. This now comes with some easing of restrictions in QLD and all of us collectively supporting this in a safe manner.
Now; each state is enforcing physical/social distancing laws a bit different whether in the workplace, home or in public places. In Qld with consistently low numbers of new infections we still need to be following the State guidelines and social distancing requirements must still be observed.
Can I please ask that for all employees, drivers or visitors in our offices or on our sites to follow the public health guidelines on social distancing (including, where possible, maintaining a 1.5-2 metre distance from others) and hygiene (washing your hands with soap and water often and using hand sanitizer). Please encourage all visitors/drivers to wash their hands regularly. Please note there is hand sanitizer spray (alcohol based) available in bottles for all drivers/staff to use; this will also help with regular flu season so please encourage the use of them.
Further to this:
Continue to clean all surfaces with disinfectant wipes and keep your workplace very hygienic.
(I have noticed already the kitchen traffic and extra dishes – please take measures to avoid being in crowded area’s of the building particularly the kitchen and clean all your own equipment thoroughly).
Please do not shift desks or use other people’s phones or equipment.
If you feel unwell and have two or more of the following (fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) please stay at home.
As we slowly bring back our whole Team we must be mindful of these things and be patient and supportive of each other through this journey. As there is a higher level of activity we must make sure that we continue to contain the virus as the economy starts to expand again.
Thanks everyone,
Keep on Truckin!
Kylie Wilkinson