Superb weather and one of the best rides on the calendar our boys enjoyed every moment at the annual Murphy’s Creek Trail Ride last weekend..
Team Transport were thrilled to support the boys and the Murphy’s Creek School.
With lots of promo gear given to the riders over the event and one of our twelve tonne DAF rear mounted crane trucks flying the Team Banner at full mast our boys had a great weekend doing something they love.
Joshy Blog
Friday night was so cold we had ice over the bikes and the ute doors were frozen shut when we tried to open them! It felt as if we were sleeping on ice packs. Lesson learned Saturday morning to be better prepared for the Saturday night.
The nerves started kicking in once we put on our body armour and warming up the bikes and hearing the rumble of 500+ bikes at the take- off point got the adrenaline pumping!Once we took off I could see how well planned the loops were and just how much work went in to making it one of the best rides for all of us. By the end of the first day the muscles were cranking and the tongue was ready for a beer.
Better prepared on Saturday night for the cold weather I slept like a baby and couldn’t wait to get back on the bike in the morning. Iced up bikes once again we waited for the first lot of riders to take the track and then had a clean run out of the gate a short while after.
All of our boys were pretty sore from Saturday but we had all intentions to take on the long loop.
60km of mud, creek crossings, mountain climbing and plenty of tight corners; what a bone shaking ride! After about 35km I felt like I was done but I hung on and grinded out the last 25km and completed a satisfying run. I then got a second wind and covered another 50km on a new track. The weekend was all in all one of the best for a while!
Well done boys!! Great effort ..
Yours in Transport
Kylie Wilkinson